Radioactivity Property of a nucleus emitting alpha beta and gamma rays is known as radioactivity and the substance possessing the this property is called a radioactive substance the emission of these particles take place because of the instability of nucleus Alpha particle. nuclear size- the radius r of various nuclei can be approximately calculated in cm by using the relation . r = r'A^1/3 where r' is a constant which is equal to 1.4 × 10^- 13 cm and A is the mass number of a given nucleus. Types of radioactive decay The types of radioactive decay that occurs usually depends on whether the nucleus is above or below are to the right or to the stability belt. There are five common types of radioactive decay . Alpha emission- Beta emission- Position emission- Electron capture- Gamma emission-
The Solid Components/waxes: the solid components are responsible for the final
Structure of the product by solidifying the liquid matrix. The materials required for attaining a
Reasonable body, hardness, melting point and shrinkage necessary for the easy release of theMould are together referred to as natural waxes.The solid components of the formulation are mostly natural waxes which may be classified as
The hydrocarbon waxes: Example: White bees wax
(a) The mineral waxes: Example: Ozokerite, ceresine
(b) Hard waxes: Example: Carnauba wax, candelilla wax, hard paraffin etc.
Micro crystalline waxes
•Hydrocarbon Waxes : White Bees wax: It is a so known as the common wax and forms the oily base in the
Formulation of lipsticks.
Source: It is naturally obtained from honey combs of the honey bee Apis mellifera.
Melting Point: the ranges between 62 – 65°C.
Concentration: It is used in concentrations of about 3-10% of the total formulation.
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